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Regenerative agriculture as greenwashing

Article by Tosca Peschier & Ronald van Marlen on
'Regenerative agriculture is brutal greenwashing by multinationals who want to keep their old revenue models on the market.' 

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The elephant in the stable

Opinion piece by Ronald van Marlen in Krant van de Aarde and Biojournaal about the underexposed power and role of the food-agro corporations and their financiers in the current agricultural crisis.

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Interview in TV program Keuringsdienst van Waarde

Ronald argues how retailer Albert Heijn's 'Better for' logo is a classic example of greenwashing.

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Speech at Rabobank
Certificateholders Meeting

Ronald addresses Rabobank’s professional delaying strategy to treat the climate crisis as a ‘challenge’ and not as an emergency.

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Introduction speech

Climate Alarm Eindhoven

Article about the Climate Alarm, including links to the text and video of Ronald's 5 minute introduction speech. 

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Ronald van Marlen in regional newspaper

Interview with Ronald van Marlen in regional newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad about climate change, his personal experiences and his motivation to join Extinction Rebellion.

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'The era of the individual is over, in agriculture too'

Interview with Herman Wijffels, organised by It's the food, my friend.

'The organic movement must become political again'

Interview with Ronald van Marlen on a wake up call for the organic movement.

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'Remaking the case for organic in a climate crisis'

Good article by Jim Manson on why organic needs to remake its case in times of climate crisis.


'Organic should claim leadership'

Article in Dutch magazine Ekoland. Reporting of an evening class at Warmonderhof.

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